The Worship Order
The Worship Order is found in SERMON NOTES above.
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About Lent
The season of Lent spans 40 days, starting on Ash Wednesday when we remember that ‘we are dust and to dust we shall return’ until we gather around the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday (April 9th). It is a solemn time, a season in which we acknowledge that we have turned from God and seek to return to God through different spiritual practices like mid-week worship, prayer, fasting or giving something up as well as giving to others more intentionally.
The season of Lent concludes with The Great Three Days, which begin on Maundy Thursday (April 6th). On this night, we gather to remember Jesus’ final meal with his disciples, a meal which becomes our Holy Communion. As the altar is stripped at the conclusion of worship this night, we leave in silence and return on Good Friday to remember Jesus’ journey to the cross and his death.
We leave in silence this night as well and wait for the glorious dawn of Easter Sunday, when we gather to proclaim ‘Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!’. What joy there is in those words as we refrain from using the word ‘alleluia’ throughout the entire season of Lent. We pray that your journey through Lent will be one that brings you closer to God as you return to God.