The Worship Order
The Worship Order is found in SERMON NOTES above.
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About the season of Easter
The season of Easter begins this year on Easter Sunday, April 17th, and lasts for 50 days. In that time period, we hear of the different encounters that Jesus had with the disciples and the other believers after the resurrection. In part, this season of the church year is focused on helping the disciples grasp the task that stands before them – to take the good news of Jesus Christ and share it throughout the world. The color of the season of Easter can be either white or gold. Within the season of Easter, our lectionary, which gives us the Bible readings we use from week to week, lifts up the book of Acts – we only hear from the book of Acts during the Easter season. Forty days into the Easter season, we celebrate the ascension of Jesus Christ – marking the day when Jesus ascends into heaven and returns to the Father.