Saint John's offers Sunday School for children of all ages with numerous Faith Formation Events. The theme for our 2021-2022 season is “Celebrating the Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall… God is with us through them all!"
These Faith Formation Events will be held every Sunday 8:45-9:15 am.
- Pre-K-1st Grade
- 2nd-5th Grades
And beginning in October, on the first Sunday of each month:
- Connections (grades 6-8)
- High School Youth Class (grades 9-12)
Previous "Seasons"
- The theme for Spring 2021 was Picture This!
- The theme for Fall/Winter 2020 was Encounters with Remarkable Faith.
- Winter/Spring of 2020 (as the COVID-19 crisis unfolded) Follow this link to view these lessons again!